Friday, May 3, 2013


How many times do you hear the self-diagnosis of socially awkward? I went to a college full of kids who were indeed socially awkward. Most of them graduated at the top of their homeschool class. The majority of the friends I have today were home schooled. I wouldn't necessarily label them as socially awkward. What exactly is socially awkward? I swear I can be a bit awkward, and I went to a public high school in the suburbs!

By definition, awkward means lacking social graces or good manners. The synonyms of awkward are no kinder. Who wants to describe themselves as inept, clumsy, gawky, graceless, blundering or maldaroit?

I guess I would.

I keep describing myself as socially awkward, but maybe what I am trying to say is that I am not exactly the most subtle in conversations. I have this innate gift of being blatantly honest and direct to the point. It's only awkward when it gets to be too real too soon. You know those conversations...

This past week I caught myself watching MTV's show, AWKWARD. I got hooked. I have no clue what drew me into the show, but I know I probably should've shut it off. A few things I noticed in the show was the amount of honesty, sarcasm + comedy wrapped into the scenario.

I am not going to dig too deep into this show, but the one thing I took away from it was the main character Sadie. She was the mean girl of the show. The one that made people scared of what she might say. She used her harsh honesty to twist sarcasm into hurting others. My favorite line of hers is you're welcome. 

I realized that the reason I liked her was because I do this! And of course my loving husband was like... yes Ashley, sometimes you're Sadie.

He's right. I do say "You're Welcome" in a sassy way.

I was a bit convicted. As I should be!!!! No one likes a mean friend or wife.

I was at a women's breakfast last weekend and the topic of conversation was fear, insecurity & mean girls. We weren't talking about other girls being mean, but our selves. Why is it that during the entire 2 seasons of awkward I watched I laughed at almost all the mean things?

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only what is good for building up, as it fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29

Here's a few things I have learned when it comes to using sarcasm:
1. Sarcasm is not a universal language.
2. Sarcasm can be awkward
3. Sarcasm can be hurtful.
4. Not everyone enjoys sarcasm.
5. See 1-4.

Don't get me wrong, I still use sarcasm on a daily basis. I try my hardest to be kind in my words. It's in those awkward situations where the humor of sarcasm really comes in handy. I have learned with some friends, sarcasm is best left outside. What I really need to work on is my satire.

Sarcasm is the use of irony (saying one thing while meaning another) or other rhetorical devices in a biting, hurtful way. There is a difference between sarcasm and satire, although they are related. Satire is the use of irony or ridicule to expose foolishness, but without the “bite” of sarcasm. Satire is gentler; sarcasm is more derisive and sneering.

Sometimes sarcasm can be awkward. Sometimes family situations are awkward. Even text messages that probably should've been sent to someone else are awkward. The one awkward situation I have control over, is what I say. When you use sarcasm, in a hurtful way-- its pretty darn awkward. 

1 comment:

  1. Great post! The tongue definitely has the power of life and death and sometimes I need to think about my sarcastic comments before I speak them. I might think they are funny but others could think they are awkward or harsh. :) great reminder!

    Krista @ joyfulhealthyeats


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