Thursday, April 4, 2013


I stumbled upon this lovely blog of Moorea Seal and I am quite inspired. I have been blogging mostly about food and smoothies.  Someone asked me if I had a cooking blog, to which I laughed and informed them I'm no Julia Child. I am just a not-so-simple twenty-something that thinks she can blog. There is this project I am going to jump on, called 52 Lists. I am so 13-weeks late to this party.

Lots of these things are/will be ongoing projects & non-tangible things I want to make. I can't physically make time, but I can realign my priorities. Last week I listened to a podcast (03.24.13) that challenged me to regain balance in my life. I am blessed to know Rachel and call her friend and mentor. When I listen to her teach, I feel I am back in college just gleaning from her wisdom in her office. If you live in the Dallas area, you have to visit Life in Deep Ellum.

The irony in this lesson, I was multitasking while listening. I was working on something, taking notes & listening. I am the queen of busy. Ever since I can remember, I have been a habitual busy. Out of habit, I volunteered my life through high school. I worked church nursery, camps, weekend jobs, babysitting and student government. Think Ren Stevens meets babysitters club. College was just a faster paced version. At one point, I juggled a part-time design job off campus, yearbook staff, on campus office assistant (to this friend), paid childcare & babysitting (all while maintaining a decent gpa,  waking up at wee hours to run/workout, and running on adrenaline). So busy is normal. We are told that God wants us to push towards the goal, run the race. 

Rachel said that in her message. God will call you to run, but He doesn't always call you to run. He has a history of telling us to be still. Of course, the Psalm that comes to mind is Be still and know that I am your God (Psalms 46:10).  We also know our God is the God that made the sea. He made the tasmanian devil. He can still the waters (Psalms 107:29) . He can calm storms. I am pretty sure He can make me be still. One time, he sent me a sprained ankle at church camp to make me be still. Other times, he usually sends some other unconventional way. I mean, the guy used the jawbone of an ass to get a message out (Judges 15:16)-- He has a sense of humor.  

In case you don't do yourself a big one and listen to her message Theology of Work, here are a few things that I pulled from this lesson:
  • Life will have seasons, but we can create our own rhythms.
  • Make intentional decisions, that creates rhythms in our life.
  •  My identity can't be tied to seasons in my life. It has to tie us to the bigger picture, not to the struggles.
  •  God is not more pleased with your work than your rest & honoring of God. Life is meant to include rest.
To be honest, I am a learning wife. I am learning to balance husband, house, friendships, work & church. In my oh so many months of marriage, I can't deny that when I cook dinner, clean up the kitchen, have laundry started, clear off the bathroom counter of all things hair/makeup/face, make the bed and make the house a well decorated home, my husband feels like I value us. He values me being balanced. I could easily focus on everything but our home (work, friends, ministry, etc) because sometimes its more fun to strengthen friendships than to get the laundry out of the dryer (still working on that one). Even though we are only 4 meals into me cooking at home, having his lunch ready and agreeing to us not eating out -- I feel balanced. 


  1. I totally understand what your saying. Being married is a challenge, to hold everything balanced. Thank GOD it's ok if we mess up now and again. And fire and brimstone don't rain from heaven if i forget to do the dishes or make dinner one day.

    1. I forget to do the dishes daily. I am working on the whole, not letting being tired get in the way of taking care of my home too... Balance I tell ya! ?!

  2. Hand written letters are a great idea! I know I have some that I really need to get out!

  3. Your budget line really caught my attention. It's been nearly ten years now that we finally set a budget and began living by it. I tell, you - it has been nothing short of life changing. Good luck!


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